Course Details - Shri Rawatpura Sarkar University, Raipur. click Here to Whatsapp


The One-Year Bachelor of Journalism (BJ) course is an intensive program designed to provide a condensed yet comprehensive education in journalism. It equips students with foundational skills in news writing, reporting, and media ethics. This accelerated curriculum also covers multimedia storytelling, journalism technology, and research techniques, ensuring graduates are adaptable to modern newsroom demands. Practical projects and internships offer hands-on experience, while theoretical modules foster critical thinking and ethical decision-making. The BJ one-year course prepares students for entry-level positions in print, online, or broadcast journalism, empowering them to contribute effectively to the rapidly changing media landscape.


Rawatpura university

Course Structure/Syllabus

Semester 1
Semester 3
Semester 5

Salient Features

Journalists strive to maintain objectivity by presenting information in a fair, balanced, and unbiased manner. This involves avoiding personal opinions and allowing all relevant perspectives to be heard. Silence, in this context, means refraining from inserting one's own biases or suppressing certain voices. Journalists aim to provide balanced coverage by representing different viewpoints on a given issue. This requires actively seeking out diverse sources and ensuring that all sides of a story are presented. Silence, in this context, refers to the absence of bias or favoritism towards a particular perspective

The salient features of this course is to make perfect and professional Teachers, Lecturers, Asst. Professors and Professors in various subjects.

SRU Images


  • BA Journalism and Mass Communication.
  • Journalist.
  • Radio Jockey (RJ)
  • Content Creator.
  • Public Relations Professional.
  • Publicity/Advertising Industry.
  • Broadcasting and Production.