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State Level Continuous Rehabilitation Education (CRE) Program organised at SRU…

*State Level Continuous Rehabilitation Education (CRE) Program organised at SRU…( online mode)

By the department of Special Education of the Shri Rawatpura Sarkar University online mode state level continuous rehabilitation education program was organised to approaches the Curriculum Development For Children With Special Needs (CWSN ) at Aastha Manch auditorium. And the program was ministered by the rehabilitation council of India Delhi.

The aim of organising the program to update and upgrade the knowledge of rehabilitation professionals and refreshing the skills

of professionals through this online mode program. The resource person in the technical session of the program was Prof. Prem Shanker Ram BHU (U.P), Asst. Professor Ms.Vidya Bharti and Mrs. Purnima Sahu from the department of special education of the Shri Rawatpura Sarkar University delivered the important aspect related to the particular subjects.

Prof.Prem Shanker Ram explained about approaches of curriculum and how we can implement it for children with special needs and it can be best practice in inclusive education while other resource persons from Special Education department as Asst. Professor Trapti Saraswat explained about the principles should keep in mind while you are framing curriculum for children with special needs. Vidya explained the entire detail of the curriculum and Mrs. Purnima Sahu explained about the types of curriculum development.

In the program more than 100 rehabilitation professionals joined the CRE program through online mode from different district of the state. The event was coordinated by the Asst. Professor Trapti Saraswat in the presence of the Registrar of the University Dr. Saurabh Kjumar Sharam, Dean Academic Dr. RRL Birali, Dr. Abhishek Shrivastav and Dy. Registrar Mr. Manoj Singh.

The Pro-Chancellor of the University Mr.Harsh Gautam, the Vice-Chancellor Prof S.K Singh appreciate the work of the special education department to execute the CRE program based on the knowledge of rehabilitation professionals and refreshing the skills of professionals.